Why hasn't Open Office upgraded to 3.01 on an Ubuntu 9.04 system?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 17 18:55:58 UTC 2009

On 09/17/2009 10:25 AM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
> 2009/9/17 Chris G <cl at isbd.net>:
>> I have two Ubuntu 9.04 systems both of which have been upgraded from
>> 8.10 systems.
>> One has Open Office 3.01, as expected, but the other is still at
>> version 2.4 of Open Office.  Why might that be and, more to the point,
>> how can I fix it?
>> --
>> Chris Green
> I just removed OpenOffice.org and installed the latest version
> (3.1.something), which I downloaded from the www.openoffice.org web
> site. They did quite some work making it faster in some aspects, so I
> would say it's worth the ”trouble”.
> J.R.

I'd recommend installing the ppa version (you can run both standard OOo
and the ppa version in parallel just make sure to back up your
~/.openoffice folders first as they both want to use ~/openoffice.org/3.

I resolved this my pointing standard OOo to ~/openoffice.org3/3 -
edit /opt/openoffice.org3//programs/bootstraprc to:
ProductKey=OpenOffice.org 3.1
UserInstallation=$SYSUSERCONFIG/.openoffice.org3/3 <=== change this

And move your standard OOo ~/openoffice.org/3 files to ~/openoffice.org3/3

*Then* install the Ubuntu PPA version:


Reason being: 1) the ppa is from Chris Cheney (Ubuntu OOo maintainer),
and 2) the ppa version is based on go-oo; meaning that it includes
gstreamer so sound & video works out-of-the-box.

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