File System on external hard drive

Chaman Singh Verma csv610 at
Mon Sep 14 19:53:03 UTC 2009

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Ray Leventhal <ubuntu at> wrote:

> MirJafar Ali wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Can I ask some important but likely to be controversial question ? I
> > have one external hard drive which I will be
> > using for Ubuntu ( mostly ) but sometimes for windows.
> >
> > Which filesystem is the most desirable and recommended. There seems to
> > be luxury of plenty. EXT3, EXT4, ZFS etc ?
> >
> > Can someone give academically honest answer ?
> >
> Hi,
> If you're wanting to mix and match operating systems (Windows and Linux)
> accesses to the external file system, you're going to be stuck with
> FAT32 or NTFS (both of which can be read easily by Ubuntu and Windows).
> Sadly, Windows won't recognize EXT2/3/4, ZFS, ReiserFS or others.
> If you're dual booting, keep what is needed by both platforms on the
> Windows side of the house.  That partition can be mounted by Ubuntu
> as-needed.
> As with everything GNU/Linux, there are any number of ways to accomplish
> any task.  A bit more of what you're trying to accomplish will get
> better, more specific answers.
> Best regards,
> -Ray
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Suppose I bypass window once for all, then what would you recommend. I
generally have huge datasets ( 20-30GB in each
file). I will be interested in fault tolerance issues in filesystems.

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