Wireless connection on HP DV9000 laptop

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 14 18:00:35 UTC 2009

2009/9/14 MirJafar Ali <mirjafarali at gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>>        Your laptop sounds like it is like mine. The little light will stay
>> orange but your wifi will work. Figure out how to remove the battery
>> from your laptop. Remove the battery and plugin the charger and turn on
>> the windows. When the little light turns blue, meaning the wifi is
>> working, un-plug the charger from the laptop.
>>        Now put the battery back in and boot up in Ubuntu and your wifi
>> should
>> start working.
>> 73 Karl
> Hello Karl,
> Thanks for throwing light on the mysterious way to solve the problem. I
> couldn't have never guessed that Wifi non-functionality is something to do
> with batteries.

I believe the point of Karl's suggestion is to allow windows to enable
the wifi interface in the laptop, then to kill windows by powering
down without going through a normal shutdown, when windows may disable
it again.  Correct me if I am wrong Karl.

Apparently this has worked for some, including Karl. Others have
suggested hibernating windows.  Of course any time you kill windows
without a normal shutdowndown there is the risk of disk corruption.
Also if you use windows you will have to repeat the exercise.

It may be worth trying in order to determine whether this is the
underlying cause of your problem.


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