Ubuntu Professionals Forum?

Trent Murray trent at guardianit.com.au
Mon Sep 14 08:14:05 UTC 2009

I guess I was surprised because canonical is trying to develop their business model around enterprise services yet the forums centre around domestic and enthusiast usage.  

Canonical  also have Ubuntu certified partners and LPI199 which I have taken the time to attain so a forum with people which are trying to put ubuntu into businesses seems to make sense.  We could share info and knowledge not only on ubuntu and linux but also on business strategies.  

I find it diffiucult to contribute to the domestic forums because I really am pushed for time and can't see how assisting someone with issues like "facebook linux" is going to grow my or canonicals business.  I know this sounds selfish but I'm not purely a linux enthusiast ... I'm in it because I think it is good for my clients and its good for my business.

Anyway the professional forum for lpi199 or ubuntu cert partner professionals was just a thought.

Thanks for taking the time to respond

------Original Message------
From: Rakotomandimby Mihamina
Sender: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
To: ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
ReplyTo: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Professionals Forum?
Sent: Sep 14, 2009 5:51 PM

09/14/2009 07:27 AM, Trent Murray:
> Im surprised that Canonical/Ubuntu doesnt have such a forum.

I am surprised you excepted it to exist:
- How will you avoid "domestic users" not to subscribe
   and ask question on that "professional" one?
- If "domestic" users cannot find their answer on the "domestic"
   discussion place, they will automatically try to ask on
   the professional one. That will drive to a domestication
   of the "professional" place
- Are you "professional"? Why dont you help people in here then?
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Trent Murray
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