Facebook is anti-Linux! Help change them!

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Sun Sep 13 22:19:47 UTC 2009

Knapp wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Steve Lamb <grey at dmiyu.org> wrote:
>> Andrew Farris wrote:
>>> On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 10:23 +0200, Knapp wrote:
>>>> I am ready to drop this because it seems to only be causing strife and
>>>> that is not what I wanted. I wanted to get FB working nicely with
>>>> Linux. Their email seemed unacceptable to me. Perhaps others don't see
>>>> it that way.
>>> Oh I agree with this wholeheartedly... I think the issue a lot of people
>>> are having with your message is that either facebook works for them, or
>>> that the post was over a year old.
>>    Actually, for me it isn't those but the fact that this is a common answer
>> from pretty much everywhere.  Windows, supported.  OSX, supported.  Linux,
>> you're on your own, kid.
> This is a sad state. Linux could be supported; we are not that
> different from OSX and to support Linux on a web site mostly means
> supporting FireFox and maybe a link or two to Linux sites to help
> customers with problems.
>> If we got up in arms with every site whose support
>> issued that statement we would never sleep for years as we'd be so busy
>> writing emails.
> Time to get busy? This is a HUGE PR problem. It really does need to be
> addressed. Product perception is very important to product uptake. How
> can Ubuntu become main stream when sites say they support Windows and
> OSX but not Linux or Ubuntu? Same question for hardware. It needs to
> say, "works with Linux" to get customers to trust Linux. We should be
> out there writing to sites to change this.
>>  Really, it's not new nor surprising and the answer is not to
>> hammer them with emails but to ensure Linux grows in popularity on the
>> desktop.  We're using Ubuntu and Canonical has made huge strives to get Linux
>> more desktop presence.  We just need to be patient.
> I disagree. Being patient will not change things. Taking action and
> getting web sites to say "Linux Supported" will change how the masses
> see our system. Why do you think so many sites used to say that they
> worked best with MS Explorer? It was because MS went out and pushed
> for that as part of their PR campaign. Why did they do that? Because
> it works. People follow people, people use what is said to work even
> if it does not. FUD works because people don't want to take risks.
> Most sites work with Linux, so they should say so, if they want to
> support Linux.
>> --
>>         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
>>       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...
>> -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------
But only if it makes money for them. These are profit oriented companies 
and they have every right  to market, to the market, that makes them 
money.  The profit motive is what has made the  US  the richest country 
in the world.   I like Linux a lot and I suspect it is capable  of 
contributing to ours and the worlds economy but I doubt it will ever be 
the leading contributer.   After all a great deal of those writing code 
are doing it as  a secondary way to make a living.   Microsoft , Google, 
Facebook and a thousand other companies supply the market that Linux can 
cut out a piece of.   WE all have a wonderful OS in Linux and free 
programs to run on it but I think without Microsoft and others like them 
we have very little going on on line, their would be a few mainframes 
and Linux would still be a twinkle in Linus's eye. Thank God for the 
door that Microsoft left open and thank God for their lack of insite.   
If Facebook is leaving a door open thank God for that too, and lets see 
who can be the first to walk through it.

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