Processor Use

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Sun Sep 13 20:34:25 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-09-13 at 12:03 -0400, Michael Comperchio wrote:
> Well, it seems that if I stop the gnome-monitor, I get my CPU back!
> thanks for the gPS suggestion, that helped a lot. The monitor itself
> was sucking up 30 - 40% cpu time. ugh.

yeah... gnome-system-monitor is strangely resource intensive for the
simple job it does.

I actually quit using it because in the same ammount of time it took for
the thing to open and let me do something useful (like killing a
process) I could open a terminal, read the appropriate man page, then
issue the command :)

maybe a little exaggerated, but that program is seriously a hog.

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