Virtal Machine preferences?

Derek Broughton derek at
Sun Sep 13 14:39:43 UTC 2009

p.echols at wrote:

> I am getting ready to set up a virtual machine to install Windows XP. 
> (Time to quite dual booting)  From my scan through the archives of this
> list, it appears that VMWare Server or VirtualBox are the options.  (I
> have not pursued references to other options as these two seem to be what
> is used most.)
> The first question: there some reason to use one over the other?  Features
> or ease of use?

I did a fair bit of research for a university project, and decided to 
recommend VirtualBox for simplicity, but that's all it came down to.  I 
found downloading the VMWare software was more complicated.
> The second question: when I am not using Windows (which will only be
> rarely) I assume I can shut down the VM and recover the memory / cpu
> resources for Ubuntu.  Are there complications with doing that?


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