Facebook is anti-Linux! Help change them!

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Sun Sep 13 08:37:24 UTC 2009

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Rakotomandimby Mihamina
<mihamina at gulfsat.mg> wrote:
> 09/12/2009 09:30 AM, Christopher Lemire:
>> Facebook is one of the biggest sites on the net.
> Unfortunately, yes...
> I dont understand what is sexy in Facebook.

Personally, I think FB is the biggest collage of worthless web
programs ever. I (and my whole extended family) started with it
because my cousin was living in China and it was the only way she
could get emails out to us. Since then I have made 199+ "friends" and
have met people I have not heard from in 20 years or more and feel in
some small way that I am now part of their life and they too. FB is
also a real time stealer but in the end I think it is worth it for the
networking and contacts.

Douglas E Knapp

Why do we live?

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