echo bug?

Derek Broughton derek at
Sat Sep 12 14:24:59 UTC 2009

Shannon McMackin wrote:

> On 09/11/2009 11:02 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:

>> And Shannon said:
>>> Appears he's trying an easy way to add a line to an apt-repo file.
>>> Can you do a sudo vi of that file?
>> And that's an _easy_ way?  :-)
>> In this case, I'd use synaptic.

> So, if I use synaptic or software sources, that appends to my primary
> sources.list file, which is fine for me and probably many others.  Is
> there a way in synaptic to indicate a repo file as the OP was trying to
> modify?

Sorry, that'll teach me for being facetious (OK, nothing's _really_ likely 
to teach me about that...).

You're right.  Synaptic quite happily will display, and let you modify, the 
contents of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ but doesn't seem to let you _create_ 
such a file.  I confess all of my extra repos have provided me with 
downloadable .list files.

However, rather than suggesting "sudo vi", try "sudo editor" - which I think 
gets you vim-tiny by default, but if you have a preferred editor should use 
it (in my case, joe).

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