top and bottom posting

Nils Kassube kassube at
Thu Sep 10 20:43:08 UTC 2009

Brian wrote:
> The following rant resonates with me to a degree:
> But I wonder, why not the compromise solution? Just put your text at
> the bottom *and* top of your e-mail.

That suggestion doesn't make much sense to me. Shall I reply at the top 
AND at the bottom?

> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Jay Daniels <tux at> wrote:
> > Now what if "everybody" top posted.  I think it would be much
> > easier to read assuming you are reading the list from a news reader
> > or an emailer that just marked read mail and not actually delete it
> > until it's old. Of course, trying to get everybody to do the same
> > thing would still be a problem.
> The following rant resonates with me to a degree:
> But I wonder, why not the compromise solution? Just put your text at
> the bottom *and* top of your e-mail.

That doesn't make much sense to me. Shall I reply at the top AND at the 
bottom? And which reply is the correct one if they are different? :)


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