top and bottom posting

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at
Thu Sep 10 20:27:54 UTC 2009

Rakotomandimby Mihamina wrote:
> 09/10/2009 04:14 PM, Avi Greenbury:
>> I live in a country where everyone drives on the left[...]
> I'd agree with you only if using Internet requires a 'licence'
> (just like the driving licence, with an exam and so on.)
> Otherwise, your "driving example" is irrelevant to me.
One of the things that is so nice about the Internet is you can pretty 
much do as you please. I dread the day when somebody like the Internet 
police,Government, or some other  overbearing bunch assumes control.  AS 
it is now I can write upside down if I want to and what can be done 
about it is really limited.  Seems pretty fruitless to me to fuss about 
somebody else doing it.

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