top and bottom posting

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Thu Sep 10 13:51:18 UTC 2009

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009 14:28:44 +0100
Chris Jones <jonesc at> wrote:

> > The GMail client on Android won't let you bottom-post, so far as I
> > can work out. It provides a text box into which to put your
> > response, to which the quoted text is appended.
> > 
> > The GMail client on Android is pretty poorly executed actually, as
> > are most of the google services in their for-mobile guise (docs,
> > calendar) when visited with the web browser.
> Thats pretty piss poor. Someone who actually use these things should 
> complain to google.

I keep meaning to, but my I keep finding that my comprehensive list of
complaints isn't actually comprehensive yet...

> Does it also feel the need to add "Sent from my XYZ" to the end of
> the email. Devices that do that (you know who you are) really get my
> goat.

Not so far as I'm aware, though I hardly send mail with it. I think the bit is deemed advert enough.

Avi Greenbury ;)

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