wireless on 9.04

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 11:09:49 UTC 2009

Andrew Farris wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 13:53 -0600, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Shannon McMackin wrote:
> [snip]
>>> I have used every version of Ubuntu since Breezy Badger.
>>> I jumped into Jaunty when it was Alpha 4, Karmic when it was Alpha 2. 
>>> Before that i always waited for RC images before jumping in.  I always 
>>> do a fresh install so that no flakiness is left behind.  I have /home on 
>>> a separate partition, so moving data is easy.
>>     OK I jumped into Jaunty at Beta. No problems after switching to the 
>> replacement for NM. I did write a bug to Jaunty about the gmail.key and 
>> other encombering matter that made NM not work well.
>>     I was asked last week by Pedro to d/l Karmic alfa 3 and see if it has 
>> the same problem as 9.04 has. I did that and Karmic has exactly the same 
>> problem!
>>     Read back a few emails and see how many other people have this problem 
>> and what they did to correct for it.
>>     Finally I think your a liar. There is no way you could miss this 
>> problem IF your using wireless.
> Thats not very kind of you. 
> I've been using wireless with both my laptops, and my Desktop. My setups
> are thus:
>       * 1 laptop fresh Ubuntu 9.04 install(official release, not
>         alpha/beta/RC)
>       * 1 laptop upgraded to 9.04, started as 8.04
>       * desktop upgraded to 9.04, started as 6.10
> I've never has any issues with Network Manager, or the default keyring,
> on any of my systems. I do remember setting up the keyring manager on my
> older laptop (when setting up 8.04), and on my desktop when I first
> installed, but I didn't have to do anything with the default keyring on
> my new laptop. In fact, I had completely forgotten about it's existence
> until reading this thread.
> Obviously, I still use NM, and I love it. I haven't tried wicd, so I've
> got nothing to say on it's usability in comparison to NM, but I do like
> NM's ability to store network profiles, which from what I've collected
> from this thread, it seems that wicd can't handle.
> if I had to complain about anything with NM, it would be that there's no
> way to force a refresh/recheck for wireless networks that I've found...
> as for the default keyring... i thought it managed all the package
> authorizations for apt? thats what I assume anyway, since all the keys
> I've got/added in my apt/3rd party repos have also been added to my
> keyring.
> that's all i've got...

	It appears you have keyring set up for other uses and that can be why 
you have not the problem of the keyring jumping out at you while trying 
to set up NM. I discovered what keyring was made for, PGP when I set 
that up.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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