top and bottom posting

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Thu Sep 10 00:06:11 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 19:43 -0400, Douglas Pollard wrote:
> Andrew Farris wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 18:45 -0400, Steve Reilly wrote:
> > [snip]
> >   
> >> ps. now taking wagers on how many days this thread lasts.....
> >>     
> >
> > 20 Beans says 3 days :)
> >
> >
> >   
> Top, Bottom posting is kind of a pain in the butt. There is no end of 
> the hell I catch for bottom posting on some other lists. MY Thunder bird 
> is set up to Bottom post and it's hard to remember to top post when you 
> get on a list that does it that way.   

I can understand that, and I sympathize...

wouldn't it be nice to be able to set up profiles for different lists,
so that whenever you go to send an email to whatever list, your email
composer would be set up for whatever's appropriate in that list?

Even so, I've left my Evolution configured to start at the top of a
message, rather than at the bottom, as I like to force myself to
actually read/snip the email I'm replying to, to stave off laziness.

> I think some of my posts don't 
> get read because people are looking for the next post at the top.  

This is most certainly not true. I actually read every single email from
this list before I eat dinner every night... sometimes this leaves me
with a very late dinner, but oh well.

The only exception to this is when I've simply grown weary of reading a
thread, or when I'm not interested in thread's subject matter any more.

> I usually leave the headers in but remove the mail.  That way, if their is 
> any interest I what I have to say the reader can go back in the list if 
> there is a long list of posts on the subject. 

This is quite a good idea. the only problem is if somebody comes in on
the conversation late, they would have no clue whats going on (or if a
message gets accidentally caught in your mail SP's spam-net, like what
happens to me sometimes) then it can be hard to tell is the floating Re:
you got is meaningful or not...then you've gotta dig through the spame
box, extract your message...

and YOU didn't place a bet :)

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