wireless on 9.04

Shannon McMackin smcmackin at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 17:25:20 UTC 2009

On 09/09/2009 08:00 AM, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> 	I and others wrote a bug for 9.04 because we could not get wireless
> working after we got a lot of updates. It appears to me now working with
> 9.10 alfa 3 that the Key-chain is the thing that causes confusion when
> setting up wireless.
> 	Here is what happened with 9.10. It came up with no Internet after
> installing on the hard drive. Everything else was fine. I right clicked
> the two monitor in the upper right edge of the screen, and a panel came
> down showing the 3 wireless signals I receive now at home. I selected my
> own and a new panel came up asking for my router password. I gave it and
> expected the network manager to start getting the Internet but no.
> 	Another panel came up asking for me to put in a password for a
> key-ring! I put in a simple password, and THEN the Internet started working.
> 	After a re-boot again the 9.10 comes up without Internet working. This
> time you right click the monitors and the key-chain panel wants you to
> give it a password and when you do, it works.
> 	Now on 9.04 I went through all this and then tried "wicd" and never
> looked back. This replacement for network manager after a reboot has
> Internet ready before the rest of the system is started!
> 	My question to the group is this: Is anyone using wireless Internet
> still using network manager on 9.04? If so are you using the key-ring
> password like I did?
> Thanks Karl
I have never had the problems you describe with key-ring.  Default 
installs every time.  Since before I can remember and this is maybe back 
to Edgy, I install and select my wireless AP and enter the information 
and connect.  Never prompted for a keyring password.

Current NM is awesome for me, switching APs and with some WPAsupplicant 
patches, it's flawless on my corporate LEAP network.

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