mounting a partition on boot

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Mon Sep 7 12:22:52 UTC 2009

John R. Sowden wrote:
> I recently installed ubunti 9.04 over Suse 11.1.  I had the home drirectory as 
> a separate partition.  For some reason, the /dev/sda6 did not mount as part of 
> the boot process.  I tried to umount the existing /home and mount /dev/sda6 
> but it doesn't work consistantly.
> Is ther a file that lists the mount commands that I can edit, or ...
> Thanks, John

	Hi, you need to add a line to /etc/fstab that loads /dev/sda6 to your 
/home/ directory. I do what your doing and here is my fstab:

# /dev/sda5       /home       ext3     defaults        1   2
UUID=40cb6175-3c6e-4a7f-ae57-083cccbbba63 /home  ext3 defaults 1  2
karl at Hardy:~$

the first line is what you want to try first. It will be:

/dev/sda6   /home   ext3  defaults  1  2

Good luck'


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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