Remote restart of gui after logout

dean deanubuntu at
Mon Sep 7 01:58:58 UTC 2009

John wrote:
> Hi All.  I remote to my Ubuntu box with vnc.  Sometimes I have to log 
> out and then log back in, but I don't need to restart.  The problem is 
> that when I log out, the remote services that allow me to vnc in are no 
> longer running when I am logged out.  I can still SSH in.  So my 
> question is, how do I either restart gui and remote services from the 
> SSH command line, or how do I set it up so that remote services are 
> still running while I am logged out?
> So far from the SSH command line I tried: startx, xinit, initlevel 5
> - J
You could use an SSH tunnel to view your pc, an example would be to use

SSH -X blah at

So if you then type nautilus or whatever in your ssh session, it will 
actually remote that window to your desktop.

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