Cant click on anything once the computer boots up

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sun Sep 6 00:08:10 UTC 2009

I have no idea what has happened but, I have no control over my computer.

I can move the mouse around but I cant click on anything. Once every so often I
can and then its lost the ability again. The mouse has is working fine - even
tried another mouse. However, its also my keyboard. Im not sure what is up but I
did update my system this morning and Im wondering if anyone else is
experiencing this problem.

I rebooted (several times actually) and as soon as the system started and showed
me a screen, I clicked on System and System Log. I have the log up
showing syslog
but I can only scroll, not choose anything.

This just happened about an hour ago.

Registered Linux User: #480675
Linux since June 2005

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