Avidemux works on no media

Christopher Lemire christopher.lemire at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 04:16:17 UTC 2009

Everything whether audio or video or no matter what codec refuses to
work with avidemux. It tells me Cannot open file. I tried to get some
debugging info, so I did this.

Cannot identify /home/chris/Desktop/Lil Wyte - Oxycotton.mp3 as mpeg (22/2)

So it it not really an mp3? Yes it is.

chris at ubuntu:~/Desktop$ file Lil\ Wyte\ -\ Oxycotton.mp3
Lil Wyte - Oxycotton.mp3: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 192 kbps, 44.1
kHz, JntStereo
chris at ubuntu:~/Desktop$

MPEG layer 3 = mp3

chris at ubuntu:~/Desktop$ avidemux
avidemux       avidemux2_gtk
chris at ubuntu:~/Desktop$ avidemux2_gtk
  Avidemux v2.4.4
 Code      : Mean, JSC, Gruntster
 GFX       : Nestor Di , nestordi at augcyl.org
 Design    : Jakub Misak
 FreeBSD   : Anish Mistry, amistry at am-productions.biz
 Audio     : Mihail Zenkov
 MacOsX    : Kuisathaverat
 Win32     : Gruntster

Compiler: GCC 4.3.3
Build Target: Linux (x86-64)
User Interface: GTK+ (2.16.1)

Large file available: 1 offset

Initialising prefs
Directory /home/chris/.avidemux exists.Good.
Using /home/chris/.avidemux as base directory for prefs/jobs/...
Preferences found and loaded
[cpuCaps]Checking CPU capabilities
		MMX detected
		3DNOW detected
		MMXEXT detected
		SSE detected
		SSE2 detected
		SSE3 detected
[cpuCaps]End of CPU capabilities check (cpuMask :ffffffff)

 Registering Encoders
MJPEG encoder registered
Xvid-4 encoder registered
FFmpeg encoder registered

3 encoder(s) registered

[SDL] Version: 1.2.13
[SDL] Initialisation succeeded
[SDL] Video Driver: x11

[Locale] setlocale en_US.UTF-8
[Locale] Textdomain was messages
[Locale] Textdomain is now avidemux
[Locale] Files for avidemux appear to be in /usr/share/locale
[Locale] Test: _File

Initializing Dithering tables
[xvid] Initializing global Xvid 4
[xvid] Build: xvid-1.1.2
[xvid] SIMD supported: (cf)
Found 20 video encoder
Found 9 audio encoder
Found 13 Format
Directory /home/chris/.avidemux/custom exists.Good.
No custom script
Found 0 custom scripts, adding them
Menu built
The screen seems to be 1600 x 1200 px
/dev/input/event0: Permission denied
/dev/input/event1: Permission denied
Not interested in /dev/input/event2: Macintosh mouse button emulation
(bus 0017 vendor 0001 product 0001 version 0100)
/dev/input/event3: Permission denied
Not interested in /dev/input/event4: Logitech USB-PS/2 Optical Mouse
(bus 0003 vendor 046d product c00e version 0110)
/dev/input/event5: Permission denied
No physical Jog/Shuttle device found.
Initializing postproc
Deleting post proc
updating post proc
Enabled type:3 strength:3

 Registering Filters

Using real audio device
Spidermonkey initialized.
No crash file (/home/chris/.avidemux/crash.js)

(avidemux2_gtk:28801): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to read the recently
used resources file at `/home/chris/.recently-used.xbel', but the
parser failed: Error reading file '/home/chris/.recently-used.xbel':
Is a directory.
64b0fbff -> 64b0fbff
Probing : /home/chris/Desktop/Lil Wyte - Oxycotton.mp3

Simple loading:
 file: /home/chris/Desktop/Lil Wyte - Oxycotton.mp3, size: 4655774
 found 1 files
Cannot identify /home/chris/Desktop/Lil Wyte - Oxycotton.mp3 as mpeg (22/2)
Cannot identify as H264 ES (4/50)

 unrecognized file detected...
���d (64B0FBFF)
 (00000000)Deleting post proc
[GTK] Changing size to 0 0
Cleaning up
Waiting for Spidermonkey to finish...
Cleaning up Spidermonkey.
[SDL] Quitting...
End of cleanup

Images stat:
Max memory consumed (MB)     : 0
Current memory consumed (MB) : 0
Max image used               : 0
Cur image used               : 0
Global mem stat
	Memory consumed: 0 (MB)


Christopher Lemire <christopher.lemire at gmail.com>
Ubuntu 64 bit Linux Raid Level 0

GnuPG Security Key fingerprint = 3E1A 9103 EF3D 4885 6866  E9DE C69F
18B3 E13B 0909

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