Randomly crashing server

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Thu Sep 3 21:42:01 UTC 2009

Sandy Harris wrote:
> On 9/3/09, Emil <listreaderguy at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  I'm having quite a panic to say the least. I have a webserver that has
>>  started to crash ...
> Some obvious things to check.
> You say you have free drive space, but do all partitions have free
> space? Use df(1) to check.
> Are all the file systems OK? fsck(8) to check.
> It is worth trying a memory diagnostic. A bad piece of RAM
> can cause all sorts of flakiness, and it is simple to fix. One
> diagnostic is on the distro disk.
Look in your kernel log and see if there are suspicious errors of a disk 
on the verge of crashing.
Use smartctl to see if there are any problems with the drive.
Although it is not often, drives may crash.
Look into the man-pages for smartctl and smartd explanations.

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