unexpected reboot

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Sep 3 13:46:35 UTC 2009

NoOp wrote:

> On 09/01/2009 11:49 AM, Etienne wrote:
>> Looking for DSDT in initramfs

Not having a DSDT in initramfs isn't an error.  You can put a DSDT (don't 
ask what it stands for, it's years since I knew...) into the boot image to 
override the one that's built into your BIOS, because so many DSDTs are 
buggy.  It's part of the ACPI implementation, and most of the manufacturers 
test theirs against Windows, and if it works they don't care that neither 
MS's DSDT compiler nor their own code are valid according to specifications.

So you _do_ have a DSDT, and if you aren't seeing other ACPI errors at boot 
time, it's probably valid.  However...

> Because the msg is BIOS related, I'm wondering if perhaps your machine
> shut down due to the CPU fan not turning on, or some other similar
> BIOS/DSDT/hardware issue. Example:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/72775

IF (and I think this is a big if) it's temperature related, there really 
should be ACPI messages _before_ it reaches a critical point.  Unless of 
course the DSDT is broken :-(

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