DNS suffix

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Wed Sep 2 22:07:27 UTC 2009

Brian McKee wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 4:56 AM, marc<gmane at auxbuss.com> wrote:
>> I've arrived at a Windows site where the local DNS requires the Windows
>> clients to add "DNS suffix for this connection" -- 'vt' in this case.
>> If I try to ping a local server by name, ping fred, the ping fails. When
>> I add the "DNS suffix", fred.vt', the ping works -- the correct server
>> is being pinged.
>> However, when I try to access a local web-page, this fails, presumably
>> due to some Apache magic with the domain name.
> I don't think that's likely what is going on...

Yup, didn't pursue that, but I expected it to work. But you haven't seen
the system I'm sorting out!

>> How do you configure networking to take account of the "DNS suffix"?
> Simply add the .vt to everything....  or, in /etc/resolv.conf add 'search .vt'

I already has resolvconf installed for the dns-nameservers
directive in /etc/network/interfaces, so I added a dns-search vt (no
dot) directive and all is well. Odd I'd never come across this before,
but you live and learn.


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