Vista kills Ubuntu wireless

Young tuxman at
Wed Sep 2 20:17:16 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Colin Law wrote:
>> 2009/9/2 Accessys at <accessys at>:
>>> On Wed, 2 Sep 2009, Young wrote:
>>>> I just got my first laptop (Dell Studio 1737), and wanted to do it up
>>>> right with Ubuntu. Before I even let Vista run, I forced it to boot from
>>>> the Ubuntu 9.04 i386 live CD and it *worked fine, including the
>>>> wireless*. So I, of course, think I'm home free.
>>> easy solution, delete vista.
>> Bob, I don't think you read the original post quite carefully enough.
>> The problem is, I think, that having run Vista once ubuntu will no
>> longer access the wireless at all.  Deleting Vista will not help with
>> this.
>> Colin
> 	What is happening here is Vista has a devise added to it, that starts 
> the wireless devise when you start Vista. And it turns it off when you 
> turn off Vista.
> 	You fix this by taking out the battery. Then start on the wall charger 
> and bring up Vista. When it is up and working with wireless, unplug the 
> laptop. Now put the battery back in and never use Vista again!
> 	I had to do this with my laptop.
> 73 Karl
Karl, I'm not sure what you mean, but I guess I should have said that I 
want this laptop to be a dual boot machine, even though Ubuntu will be 
the default OS.

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