some questions about using Ubuntu

loody miloody at
Wed Sep 2 06:09:20 UTC 2009


>>> 2. I want to change the color of directory and google it,
>>> But I cannot find the config file that store the setting of my color
>>> of directory.
>>> ( I also man dir_colors)
>>> Is it /etc/profile, ~/.bashrc or something els?
>> This I can't say for sure as I've never used it, but any CLI
>> customizations you make that you want to apply only to you /should/ go
>> in your ~/.bashrc file. The thread link you included seems to be an
>> excellent resource on the subject. I suggest reading through the "man
>> dir_colors" carefully, and applying the suggested changes in your
>> ~/.bashrc file.
I study the man page and try to grep where the $LS_COLOR be set.
so I use the color of mp3 setting in $LS_COLORS as the keyword to search.
But I cannot get anything.

# echo $LS_COLORS
# grep -w '*\.mp3=.*' *
# grep -wr '*\.mp3=.*' *
# cd ~
# grep -wr '*\.mp3=.*' *
my questions are:
1. Where I can get the LS_COLOR setting is?
2. I saw the color of my directory changed when I chmod it.
   but from $LS_COLORS, I cannot see any setting describing the color
of different mode of directorys.
   if I want to change the color of different mode, which file should I look to?
appreciate your help,

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