Hate SATA hard drives + STOP the F***ing Flame Wars

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at aol.com
Wed Sep 2 00:58:10 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 18:33 -0600, Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> > 
> > Some of Karl's (as well as other users) replies are just so basic they
> > are not helpful at all.  For instance, a user states he has trouble
> > getting email...  Karl suggest he may not be connected to the internet.
> > Although, that _is_ one of the possibilities, it is very unlikely that
> > the user did not notice this thus making Karl's post very unhelpful.
> > 
> > I think everyone should put a little experience and research into a
> > reply before they click the send button.  I cannot count the number of
> > times I have written a reply to a list, only to cancel my reply after
> > reading.
> > 
> > Over the years, I have been guilty of this myself, but today I am more
> > aware of what I say.  This is not a personal attack on Karl.  I just
> > used one of his post I recalled as an example.  We all have our bad
> > days.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > jay
> > 
> > 
>     Jay you admitted you know NOTHING about Linux. Now please leave this 
> list and read a good book. You are a liar.
> 73 Karl

Karl, I think you're thinking of J's reply:

> On Tue, 2009-09-01 at 09:28 -0500, J Bickhard wrote:
> I agree in that Karl-bashing gets old, I got carried away :-\. Yes,
> his snooty replies can be funny, much for the same reason Dr. House's
> blunt truth and put-downs are funny. Karl just doesn't give out
> correct information, and acts like there's no way it can be wrong. I
> don't know the first thing about Linux and Ubuntu, and I'm not afraid
> to admit it. That's why I subscribed to this list, and why I don't
> help people, I don't know how.

Please refrain from blasting people for things they didn't say.

In fact, please stop blasting people. This is a technical support list,
not a forum. The personal flame-wars have GOT to STOP.

Believe me, I understand that you're tired of people bashing you, for
whatever their reason, but you MUST realize that you're not helping your
case by bashing them back, or telling them to leave the list.  People
are reading/replying to this list for 2 reasons: they need help, or they
want to learn.  By trying to turn them away, your hurting the entire
community... robbing it of a potentially happy, helpful, and productive
member, just because they had a had a question and pissed you off. Stop.

And on another note, I've personally found MB SATA connectors to be on
the flimsy side on most Mobos that I've bought. I remedied the situation
by buying mobos only from Gigabyte. Their connections are much less

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