Derek Broughton derek at
Tue Sep 1 12:55:45 UTC 2009

ashwin1711 wrote:

>                                 thank for your msg in last time.I got my
> real username back and the home also but now the problem is that I cant
> move the mouse its not working well.Could you please help me..

And thank you for using mixed case.  It's much easier on the eyes.

What do you mean by "not working well".  If the mouse pointer is on the 
screen and it just won't move, then your driver is probably inactive, but if 
the mouse drifts from where you point it, it's a hardware issue (and if you 
have a trackpad and an external mouse, they may interfere with each other).

If you have a usb mouse, unplug it and plug it in again, and show us the 
part of /var/log/syslog where you do that.

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