Proposed Repositories - GPG errors

NoOp glgxg at
Sat Oct 31 19:34:22 UTC 2009

On 10/31/2009 10:53 AM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Sat, 10/31/09, David Curtis <dcurtis at> wrote:
>> Meh, It's just a latency and/or short-time-frame bandwidth
>> test. Not
>> going to tell you about the load capabilities of the site.
>> Take a look
>> at the mirror list...
> NoOp and I are both aware of what you say.  

Yep :-)

> But I can only tell you that
> after some days of use I'm still getting the fastest download rates from a
> mirror than I ever had. It may not be the most up to date site but I'm getting Karmic updates almost every day.  You may want to check out:
> It may be some fluke but until it slows down significantly I'll continue to use it.  Now that I've posted the mirror site, it probably will-:o)
> BTW, the site is in Chicago and I live in southeast Texas and the site at Uinv. of Texas is not near as fast and is many times not up-to-date. FWIW.
> I get 300+ kB/sec download rates, as exactly shown on konsole, consistently and before my best rate was only 200 or so kB/sec.

This might be worth bookmarking:
Note: is LLC (see
It shows the speed and if the mirror is up-to-date.

Argonne National Lab is what I normally use (10Ggbps -
but I'd switched to "Main Server" when I was installing karmic on the
test machine last week.

I see that the (basically the Academic Computer
Club, UmeƄ University only has 2Gbps...

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