problem with recovery mode in 9.10

Glenn Holmer shadowm at
Sat Oct 31 13:44:02 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 07:04 -0700, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> >     I tried 9.10 on a fully updated Beta
> > version and using the 
> > recovery boot it comes up with a selection board and I 
> > selected the last one and it did come up as a root login.

Yes, but the question was whether you can type at the prompt once the
root login comes up.

> Karl, are you using the 64 bit Karmic as I and the OP are using?

Actually, I was using 32-bit.  I notice that after installing the final
release... there's no prompt at all!  It just drops me to a root prompt
without a login!  I realize that all bets are off if someone has
physical access to the machine, but isn't this a bit extreme?

"After the vintage season came the aftermath - and Cenbe."
Glenn Holmer  (Q-Link: ShadowM)

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