XFIX-What Happened To It In Karmic?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Oct 30 23:20:40 UTC 2009

On 10/30/2009 04:06 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 10/30/2009 02:38 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
>>> The subject say it all.  After the last 3-4 updates, I can now scrool
>>> through the recovery menu and find that xfix is not listed. Is there a
>>> way run the program without it being on the recovery mode kernel?  I
>>> sure miss having the capability to run it if needed.
>>> Leonard Chatagnier
>> Nothing in the change log:
>> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/friendly-recovery/+changelog
>> They dropped fsck, but no mention of xfix. File a bug?
> "dropped" fsck?  How could that happen.  It's pretty vital.  

filesystem readonly for a fsck (LP: #363271). In karmic

click the 363271 & it will take you to the bug report.

[I know for a
> fact that it hasn't been dropped, 

Really? Have you booted to "friendly-recovery" today?

anyway, as I had to use it just last week
> - on a karmic system - and it's part of util-linux which is still showing as 
> "Priority: required"]

Sigh :-) we are talking about the Recovery Menu (friendly-recovery). :-)

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