Fwd: question about mailing lists license ,

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Fri Oct 30 22:49:00 UTC 2009

a dehqan wrote:
> In The Name Of God The compassionate merciful
> Good day everyone ;
> Thanks for your attentions ;
> But question still remains ...
> *
>  See this is question please answer only :*
> Do mailing list own person answers copy rights ? While persons answer 
> questions in mailing list , will those persons remain legal owner of 
> answers (rights) OR mailing list will own them (answer rights) ?
> please give a voucher for your claim  .
The writer of the post owns the copyright, he does not give that away 
unless it is a registered copyright then he can sell it or give it away. 
   He may be giving a license to the list owner to use it, copy it, or 
allow   someone else   to use it when he posts to the list. If that were 
not the case you would be violating the Copyright by copying it to your 
computer as you are a third party.  I personally would get the writer of 
the post to send me a copy with permission to use it.   No one can argue 
with that.    This way the list has nothing to say about it one way or 
the other.  You will have a license from the writer that owns the 
copyright.  He will always own the copyright for his lifetime plus 100 
years.  You will hold a license to use it or anything else he grants on 
the license.   The list does not get an exclusive license . Whether or 
not you make money off of his post does not matter as long as he does 
not say specifically, you can't in the license.

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