Good Idea for new users

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Fri Oct 30 14:04:53 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at> wrote:
> Why? A fresh install on an ext4 partition has worked for be
> flawlessly on both grub2 and ext4 fs.

Presumably because it didn't for other people. There are certainly
several related bugs.

>					  Maybe better advice is to
> install on a fresh partition and not just upgrade from an older
> version which has always presented issues for me and is why I now
> always install on a fresh partition instead of upgrading.  

Upgrades keep ext3 and grub-legacy.

I've never had a problem doing an in-place upgrade, and they're not
supposed to be troublesome. They are a supported means of upgrade, and
one of the things Linux has held above Windows for a loooong time.

Avi Greenbury ;)

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