Video file disappear

Patton Echols p.echols at
Fri Oct 30 08:50:08 UTC 2009

On 10/30/2009 12:51 AM, ashwin1711 wrote:
> Dear friend,
>                    I had download a videa and try to save it in save
> as to existed video file and I changed the name of the file after that
> my all existed video file disappear. Could any one help me to get it
> back...
> Thank you in advance
 From what you have said, we can not tell what you have done or what the 
problem is.  Part of the problem is that you have used the word "it" in 
a way that could mean many different files.  I also think you may be 
using the word "file" to mean both "file" and "folder."  Please try your 
question again and try to describe as well as you can. 

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