I download the iso

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 29 18:04:09 UTC 2009

On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 13:56:58 -0400
William Biggs <kc8pdr at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to know if I can upgrade to 9.10 from 9.04 after I
> download the iso with out burning it ?

I don't think you can do the upgrade from the ISO. It's only designed
for being burnt.

If the machine you want to upgrade is connected to the internet, you
can do
  sudo do-release-upgrade

In a terminal, and it will perform an in-place upgrade. It will be
slow, though, the servers are being hammered at the minute.

Avi Greenbury
http://aviswebsite.co.uk ;)

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