.bashrc question

James Michael Fultz croooow at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 00:28:00 UTC 2009

* David Armour <d.f.armour at shaw.ca> [2009-10-28 23:42 +0000]:
> Thanks also for the vim recommendation. I was using Diffuse to compare
> the .bashrc file from a second machine to see if there were any
> glaring errors, but Diffuse seemed a bit like shooting field mice with
> a .45. I didn't know vim could do that, but it makes sense, now that
> you've mentioned it.

I'm a Vim user myself, so I have no problems recommending it.  Since
I realize that Vim is not to everyone's tastes, it is worth a note that
gedit can highlight syntax as well.  If not already active, it can be
enabled via the menu View > Highlight Mode.

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