turning a desktop install into a server

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Wed Oct 28 14:49:51 UTC 2009

Rashkae wrote:
> Joshua Solomin wrote:
>> So now I have a box that I can remotely access (and on which I'm
>> actually still logged in locally).  But what if I have to reboot --
>> how can I set it up such that it doesn't need the peripherals at all,
>> and I can log into it remotely without having to log in locally first?
>> thanks,
>> Joshua
> First you'll want to remove network manager.  If you really plan on
> using wireless networks, I can't really help you all that much.. I would
> search for the Linux Wireless how too for tips on how to configure
> Wireless on a system level.  (I think perhaps WICD is also able to do
> this, but I never tested it.)
> Then install OpenSSH server package, which will let you log in to your
> system remotely from SSH.

Hi Josh,
Just adding my .02 to Rashkae's commentary about WICD.  NM requires 
login, wicd doesn't.  That *should* get you past the hump of having a 
user logged in before networking starts.

Of course, you may opt to hard-code your IPs using 
/etc/network/interfaces as David mentioned in this thread...were it a 
server, that's likely the way I'd do it.

As for the keyboard issue...that's been addressed.  Set your BIOS to 
ignore kb errors on boot and you should be where you want to be.

Of course, another way to go would be to backup your /home stuff and any 
other data you have and want to keep and install server edition.  That, 
too, is the way I'd go.


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