Assign a Drive Letter to a Folder

Loïc Grenié loic.grenie at
Wed Oct 28 14:42:27 UTC 2009

2009/10/28 Rafa <r4f1t4 at>:
> 2009/10/28 Prabhat Tyagi <prabhattyagi83 at>
>> What any body know how to map a network folder in ubuntu like windows map
>> as a drive

> You could also create a symbolic link for it (ln -s remote_folder
> local_folder)

     This won't work. You can't access network with a symbolic link.
  You can access the files on an already mounted remote file system,
  but not directly the remote file system.

> or simply dragging the folder or file with the alt key pressed
> should show a contextual menu with a "link here" option.

     As long as you do not do a symbolic link but a ".desktop" file, it will
  (should) work.



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