problem with recovery mode in 9.10
Karl F. Larsen
klarsen1 at
Wed Oct 28 13:51:10 UTC 2009
Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> --- On Tue, 10/27/09, Glenn Holmer <shadowm at> wrote:
>> From: Glenn Holmer <shadowm at>
>> Subject: problem with recovery mode in 9.10
>> To: ubuntu-users at
>> Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 6:15 AM
>> In the Karmic RC, when I boot to
>> recovery mode and drop to a root shell,
>> every keystroke is treated as though I had hit Enter
>> afterward, so I'm
>> unable to enter the root password. ctrl-D reacts the
>> same way, so I
>> can't use recovery mode at all.
>> Anybody else seen this/have a workaround?
> Yes, something is very wrong in Karmic recovery mode. It is useless.
> In my case, I have two Karmics installed on separate partitions, the last one was a recent nightly. Recovery mode works on neither. I can't even scroll down the fixit menu on boot up. The screen corrupts with error messages when I try to scroll down the list and it then is frozen. I can scroll maybe one item before this happens or hit the "end" key and the next move the screen corruption occurs. I don't know if a bug has been filed or not as I haven't googled yet but I'm sure ready to add my .02. Not being able to use recovery mode is a critical bug, IMHO.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
I tried 9.10 on a fully updated Beta version and using the
recovery boot it comes up with a selection board and I
selected the last one and it did come up as a root login.
So you might have something else causing a problem.
73 Karl
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
Key ID = 3951B48D
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