FAT32 USB stick & 64bit Karmic

Edgars Šmits ed.smits at gmail.com
Wed Oct 28 12:20:22 UTC 2009

I'm running the 64bit version of Karmic (beta obviously, but fully
updated daily) and am having trouble writing/deleting from an 8GB USB
stick (Fat32 format). Didn't have this problem prior to converting to
Karmic, used to load in a jiffy, since upgrading it takes forever and
then works in hops - it'll do the first 100MB in no time, then sit and
wait for a spell, then another spurt of writing, then dead stop for a
few minutes etc. etc. I'm copying over movie files from work to house,
so this isn't a major pain, I can work around it, just let it take
it's sweet time, however since this only started with Karmic I am
wondering about it.

Everything else about Karmic is very good.


R.U. Sirius: I used to take a lot of acid. Now I'm older, I take a lot
of antacid.

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