PCI-e or USB sound card recommendation

Preston Hagar prestonh at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 17:02:44 UTC 2009

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 5:28 PM, Masao Garcia <masaog at fshac.com> wrote:
>> Here are two USB sound cards
>> http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.5831
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812186035
>> Preston
> Preston, thank you for the suggestions.  Do you know for sure if any of
> these USB cards for with Hardy 64-bit?  I did some quick research for the
> SYBA card and it looks like one person posted saying it worked with various
> 64-bit OSes, including Ubuntu, but I found a thread from someone else saying
> it didn't work for him in Ubuntu (didn't specify which version).  I'd like
> to be pretty sure before I recommend this purchase to my boss.  Thanks.

I know that the Syba card works in 32-bit Hardy with no problems.
Unfortunately, I haven't personally tested it in 64-bit.  I beleive it
is a pretty common chipset, however, and in 32-bit Hardy requires no
special installation or configuration (just plug it in, boot up, turn
it up in alsamixer if needed).  Also, as a side note, if ordering ofr
a business need, you may want to stay away from dealextreme.com.  I
have ordered several things from them before with no issue, but they
are located in Hong Kong (I think) and it typically takes 3-4 weeks to
ship to the U.S. (not sure where you are but I would be that unless
you are in Hong Kong or a nearby area the shipping times would be

Newegg, on the other hand, typically delivers within a few days.  I
think that Syba card was about $7 USD, so it may be worth the gamble
to try it out on 64-bit Hardy.


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