Screen Readers and post trimming (was: Cannon [Camera] Support) accessys at
Tue Oct 27 15:28:56 UTC 2009

in firefox it is "Webmail" which is another whole beast.

as for that "other company" well this is a Ubuntu list so your guess
is likely right.
and of course the most popular screen readers are written for that
operating system,  Orca is not the best most visually impaired linux
users I know use emacspeak

I have been on what passes for the internet since the mid 70's and
this top post/bottom post/midline argument has been going on at least
that long.

FWIW, I'm using PINE as my mail reader.


On Tue, 27 Oct 2009, Avi Greenbury wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 09:45:56 -0500 (EST)
> "Accessys at" <accessys at> wrote:
> >
> > even firefox doens't reliably put the ">" in front of all lines of
> > quoted text.
> Where would you expect it to? I've not used Firefox in a little while,
> but I wasn't aware of it containing a mail reader.
> > as I have preached for years it is a WORLD wide web and it is for
> > everyone not just those with the latest or greatest equipment. and one
> > company (who shall remain nameless) seems to go out of their way to
> > make software that intentionally doesn't work or even breaks other
> > software.
> Is this the same company that popularised top-posting?
> > and programmers routinely ignore the concepts of universal usability.
> > eyecandy is more important than content in far too many cases.
> Surely the people who are programming the screenreaders are doing so in
> the name of universal usability?
> > if you want to try it "turn on Orca" and turn off your monitor and try
> > reading the mail on this or any list.
> I believe you. I'm not trying to argue that it works.
> I'm simply trying to point out that the broken bit is the screen
> reader, not the email author. Or, more reasonably, the more reliable
> fix is to alter the behaviour of the screen reader than to attempt to
> alter the behaviour of half the internet.
> If the screenreader were to treat email quotes as distinct from the
> rest of the email body, then it would surely not matter where the reply
> and the quote in the email was. This is obviously a better solution to
> pretending that at some point we will have a situation where everybody
> writes their emails in the same way.
> The kind of people who trim and bottom-post are also the kind of people
> who send in plain text. Certainly the lists that mandate one tend to
> mandate the other. I've not come across anyone using anything other
> than > to denote a quote in a plain text email.
> For as long as a sizeable proportion of the users find it easier and
> more logical, and at least for as long as the rules of the list mandate
> it, you are going to find that the large bulk of emails to this list
> are bottom posted. Hopefully trimmed, too.
> --
> Avi Greenbury
> ;)
> --
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