Older PC question

Wade Smart wadesmart at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 13:11:03 UTC 2009

mdovell at comcast.net wrote:
> Again this a Athelon xp 2.2 ghz I think, 512 of ram…the system is five 
> years old
> This is getting more than annoying because I’ve burned nearly a dozen or 
> so dvd’s of ubuntu but most didn’t work well. I took the advice of going 
> to a 32 bit one and it helped to a degree but not all the way. Basically 
> on 9.04 on one of them I got to install at  about 58% and it said there 
> was an error (see 1-3 below). Then one to 75% and said it was an error 
> as well. Oddly enough one did let me into the Live boot. I could 
> actually go online with ease although the resolution was lower. I should 
> note that my DVD’s are at least four or so years old. Some were these 
> top of the line (at the time). Is there any way to maybe download it 
> while it is on the live cd? If I download a iso and boot from dvd would 
> it recognize the iso and reboot from that?
> I'm starting to think that one or more of the following is true.
> 1) my dvd-r's are old and not that good
> 2) the hard drive on the pc isn't reading or working well
> 3) the dvd drive itself has to be cleaned. I think I have a cleaner cd 
> somewhere in the house.
> Has anyone else had problems installing?

I had a very hard time installing 9.04 on a new computer I built.

I burned several cds and none would read.
I purchased new cds - same problem.
I returned my dvd drive for a replacement - same problem.
I tried using a thunb drive to install.
I worked with the bios over and over again trying to get either the 
thunb, dvd, or hd to come in a certain order to install.

I contacted the manufacturer of the system board about the problem.
I contacted the dvd manufacturer.

In the end, I cant even really tell you I did something different, I 
just out in my thumb drive and it worked so I installed it and called it 

Unless your dvd's are all damaged, I wouldnt think that is the problem.
A dirty dvd "might" be the issue. A good can of air would help.
The hd sounds more likely.
But there is another option to try here.

Download 8.04 LTS and see if that installs.
If you still are having the troubles you are describing above, I would 
look at the hd.


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