+++SPAM+++ Re: Updating locate command cache?!

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Mon Oct 26 19:22:38 UTC 2009

>      >
>     I'm not sure your issue will be addressed by this, but issuing
>     sudo updatedb && locate <your file or list of files here>
>     might do the trick
>     HTH,
>     -Ray
> Excellent! that did the trick!  Thanks Ray
> $ locate blas.a
> $
> $ locate lapack.a
> $
> Robert
I'm glad that did the trick.  Note James' reply as well as regards the 
cron job that should be updating the locate db daily.  If it was more 
than 24 hrs and the locate db hadn't been updated, you should check that 
cron.daily is being run.


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