permission script

Eugeneapolinary Ju eugeneapolinary81 at
Sun Oct 25 18:03:19 UTC 2009

--- On Sun, 10/25/09, ~TraydenT~ <traydent at> wrote:

From: ~TraydenT~ <traydent at>
Subject: Re: permission script
To: ubuntu-users at
Date: Sunday, October 25, 2009, 6:00 PM

Le 25/10/2009 18:19, Eugeneapolinary Ju a écrit :
> omg... :D thank you!! it works!! :D
> --- On *Sun, 10/25/09, ~TraydenT~ /<traydent at>/* wrote:
>     From: ~TraydenT~ <traydent at>
>     Subject: Re: permission script
>     To: ubuntu-users at
>     Date: Sunday, October 25, 2009, 4:47 PM
>     Le 25/10/2009 17:42, Eugeneapolinary Ju a écrit :
>     > I just wrote a little script, that will echo a message to the
>     user, if
>     > it doesn't have enough permission:
>     >
>     > $ if ! [ "$(env LC_MESSAGES=C ifconfig wlan0 down | grep -i
>     denied)"
>     > == "" ]; then echo "no permission"; fi
>     > SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied
>     > $ sudo su
>     > [sudo] password for USER:
>     > # if ! [ "$(env LC_MESSAGES=C ifconfig wlan0 down | grep -i
>     denied)"
>     > == "" ]; then echo "no permission"; fi
>     > #
>     >
>     > but it won't works
>     >
>     > why?
>     >
>     >
>     The ifconfig command returns the denied message on the standard
>     error,
>     not on stdout. To find if it was denied, you way redirect stderr on
>     stdout (by adding 2>&1 to the command line ), or check the return
>     code
>     of the ifconfig command.
>     -- 
>     ubuntu-users mailing list
>     ubuntu-users at
>     </mc/compose?to=ubuntu-users at>
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For information, which solution did you use ? And BTW, you can check the 
UID variable to determine if the person launching the script is root or not.

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I used:

if env LC_MESSAGES=C ifconfig $2 down 2>&1 | grep -i denied >/dev/null; then clear; echo "Error: not enough permission."; exit 1; fi

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