Auto launchan app, minimized, within a perticular workspace

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Sun Oct 25 08:10:22 UTC 2009

On Sun, 2009-10-25 at 00:47 -0500, Chris wrote:
> Greetings,
> How can I have Sunbird auto launch when I login, have it minimized from
> within a perticular workspace within workspace switcher in Gnome.
> Is this even possible?

I don't know if it's possible to open it minimized, or on a particular
workspace, but to run it when you log in, go to "System > Preferences >
Startup Applications" and put an entry for it in there.

The only way it would start minimized is if sunbird has an option in
it's own config to 'start minimized' or similar command-line option. If
it has a command line option to do so, just put that in the "Startup
Applications line".

The only other way I could think to do this is to use something like
alltray to just dock it to your notification area, but I dont think this
is what you're looking for.

hope that helps

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