Unable to hibernate with Ubuntu 9.04

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at gmail.com
Sat Oct 24 05:04:38 UTC 2009

Phyllis Connick wrote:
> Having typed "man pm" (without quotes) into the terminal only to receive no
> "manual page for pm" has left me in a bit of a rush for information. I
> apologize for any delay but, I have been grasping for straws.
> Perhaps some information from a log will do? I am not sure which log will
> help and must ask for clarification. As of recent I have been unable to
> submit a bug report to the pm_utils section.

Maybe I missed the prior part of the thread? I cannot decipher what 
problem you are facing.

First, do you have a swap partition defined? Hibernate, unlike Suspend, 
REQUIRES a swap partition.

Second, have you requested hibernate (e.g. on lid close, assuming you 
are using a laptop) under System-->Preferences-->Power Management?

And the rest will depend on what your problem / observations are.

Sundar Nagarajan
Linux User #170123 | Ubuntu User #2805

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