Best FTP client to get

Roger rnodal at
Sat Oct 24 03:24:21 UTC 2009

> if that was the case then he would not be using a normal hosting system,
> he'd use his own server colocated

You talk about people using PHP crap that they don't know about yet
you suggest that they run their own servers. I'm pretty sure that's a great
solution. Not only now the need to be concerned with "PHP crap", now
they have to maintain a server.

> see my response to Karl, thousands of defacements coz customers insist on
> running  insecure php crap, ZERO for password penetration, many people
> here seriously need to open your eyes and come to into reality.

Who said that I need my eyes opened?

I jumped into this thread because someone said that using ssh (sftp
etc) was being paranoia and also mentioned conspiracy theory.
I never said that secure transfer of files is the only thing that they
should be concerned.

I don't give a crap about what the OP clients decides to do, is their
money, time and files. I just gave a suggestion.

Who are you to call the so "PHP crap"?
Have you produced an alternative to the "PHP crap"?

I'm sorry, but someone that is security conscious does not choose
plain ftp over secure ftp (Unless an extreme situation).


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