Best FTP client to get
res at
Fri Oct 23 12:58:41 UTC 2009
On Fri, 23 Oct 2009, Steve Reilly wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Karl Auer wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 02:12 -0700, thomas wrote:
>>>> I need to get a FTP client so that I can post a website.
>>> I'm sure others will provide good info on FTP clients.
>>> BUT:
>>> If you use FTP, your password travels in clear text across the Internet.
>>> It is extremely easy to steal, and your site is very vulnerable. If your
>>> web hosting service provider offers a secure upload facility - SCP or
>>> SFTP for example - you should use that, and NOT use FTP.
>>> If your web hosting service provider does not offer a secure upload
>>> facility, you should strongly consider changing providers.
>>> If for some reason I cannot imagine you are forced to use a totally
>>> insecure mechanism for administering your website, at very least make
>>> sure that you do not use a password that even remotely resembles any
>>> other password you may use, keep a good backup of all your site data,
>>> change your password frequently, and check your site *very* frequently
>>> for unauthorised changes. Just looking at the site is not enough - you
>>> have to compare files, as many web attacks these days just do things
>>> like attach malicious javascript to HTML files. Invisible, but damaging.
>>> Regards, K.
>> I still use the command line ftp to administer my web page.
>> Real simple, open a terminal and type ftp address. I have been
>> using this open method for 7 years now. Not once did anyone do
>> the massive work necessary to get my password.
>> 73 Karl
> agreed. using filezilla here, scp sometimes, conspiracy theorists and
> diehard looking over your shoulder all the time type people, always
> covering your tracks, maybe might have something to worry about to begin
> with......they would disagree, but ive never had a problem. theres more
> important things to be worrying about
well said... the OP asked about uploading his website, which infers the
information is to be public anyway, and i dont know of any shared hosting
providor who allows users secure shell (of any kind) access.
some people need to put their paranoid brains into gear before their
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