Xorg/gnome keeps crashing

Jared Greenwald greenwaldjared at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 17:52:27 UTC 2009

I've had my workstation (Dell GX620) setup with 9.04 since it's beta
back at the beginning of the year.  Recently, I noticed that when I
was switching workspaces (via scroll wheel or key sequence) Xorg/gnome
would just completely lock up.  I'm not talking about just hosing the
X server, but bringing my machine to a complete lock (can't ssh in,
completely unresponsive).

So, I figured that with 9.10 in final beta, I might as well give that
a try to see if that would fix my issue.  Alas, it is still a problem.
 This is making my work life really hard as I usually use at least 2-4
workspaces in my Gnome session at a time.  Is there anyone else out
there having similar issues?  Anyone have any suggestions as to how to
fix this (other than not using multiple workspaces).

The other thing of note is that on my laptop I use 4 workspaces and
never have an issue, so it seems tied to that specific computer...

Any help would be much appreciated as I've lost some serious work due
to having to hard reboot every time the thing locks up.


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