Installing XP on Ubuntu

dheeraj bansal bansalcooldheeraj at
Thu Oct 22 13:18:02 UTC 2009

Hi Mike,

I do not have a router and want to connect ubuntu machine to XP
machine through cross-cable.

Thanks and Regards,
Dheeraj Bansal

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Mike McMullin <mwmcmlln at> wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-10-22 at 11:05 +0530, dheeraj bansal wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks a ton guys for all the help, my ultimate objective is to
>> connect a windows XP machine with a Ubuntu machine using cross cable
>> to share data between the two, and for this I was in the notion that
>> it is possible only if I have windows XP on both. So may be u can help
>> connecting cross cable in the current setup or help me in installing
>> XP on ubuntu box and then I will be able to connect the two. And I can
>> partition the harddisk and do geeky stuff with my machine, so please
>> everyone go ahead with all the possible solutions. Any help will be
>> highly appreciated.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Dheeraj Bansal
>  You won't need to install XP on the Ubuntu system then.  Assuming that
> you have internet, hook them both up to a router, and then browse the
> network in Ubuntu to find the XP system.  This will require some
> configuration on both systems but you can find that through Google.
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