Installing XP on Ubuntu

Fred Roller froller at
Wed Oct 21 19:12:57 UTC 2009

dheeraj bansal wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I want to install XP on an ubuntu machine. Somebody please tell me
> that it is possible and then how can do it. Somebody please help me.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Dheeraj Bansal
I personally use Virtualbox.  In this way if (when) the XP machine 
becomes unstable I can reset to a "snapshot" of the system.  I don't use 
it often but there are still somethings I need the XP system for in work.

If you are comfortable with command line then simply type:
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox

which should fetch what you need from the repos.  The wizard for 
creating new machines is fairly straight forward.  Go to this link:

and scroll down to "Create a Virtual Machine".  This will give you a 
good start on how to create the XP machine.


"Life is like linux, simple.  If you are fighting it you are doing something wrong."

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